Rest in Peace, Joesy (aka Josey, the Sudden Cat)

Joesy (2004-2020)

While we here at FKMG fondly referred to her as Josey, the Sudden Cat, her real name was simply Joesy, the spelling courtesy of my daughter, Natalie, who was 9 years old when she brought her home. As feline friends go, Joesy was easy-going, talkative and sometimes amusingly bitchy. 

For 17 years, Joesy was a family member, pal and fellow film buff. She often joined me on the sofa in the Dave Cave while I watched and reviewed hundreds of films. And unlike most people, she knew when to simply shut up and watch the movie. Unless, of course, I happened to have a snack that interested her.

She became FKMG’s resident horror expert as Josey, the Sudden Cat, lending her name to nearly every horror review on this site. While I’ll certainly miss her company and opinions on movie night, she will always be a beloved member of our staff.

Rest easy, old friend, ‘till we meet again.

D.M. Anderson

Rest in Peace, Joesy (aka Josey, the Sudden Cat) Rest in Peace, Joesy (aka Josey, the Sudden Cat) Reviewed by E Y on December 12, 2020 Rating: 5

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