Love Wedding Repeat ★☆☆☆☆ | Movie Review


While trying to make his sister's wedding day go smoothly, Jack finds himself juggling an angry ex-girlfriend, an uninvited guest with a secret, a misplaced sleep sedative, and the girl that got away in alternate versions of the same day.

Directed and written by Dean Craig.
Starring Sam Claflin and Olivia Munn.
Available on Netflix.


Movie marketing departments, please repeat after me: "I will not mislead the audience with my blurb for the film." 

Jack has to juggle with dramas at his sister's wedding to make sure a troublemaker doesn't ruin the whole day.

Love Wedding Repeat looks very much like every other romcom out there but its saving grace appeared to be an interesting cast and the fun alternate timelines we'd see as promised in the blurb... but don't get your hopes up on that last part. I rewatched the trailers to try and find out where I got the wrong end of the stick about this and I found it was only mildly implied, in fact, it's the synopsis that outright tells you "alternate versions of the same day".

What's given to us feels more like an accident, like they filmed heavy and then realised they were running out of time and needed to cram it in. The "alternate versions" are more of a footnote on the film and a wasted opportunity. You could have run the Groundhog Day-esque scenarios or had the comedy rewind sound and gone back to the beginning of the scene... but the comedy alternatives are really nowhere to be seen.

The lack of comedy doesn't stop there, for the most part the script isn't a great success, I don't think I even laughed once. It tries to rely on quite an aggressive humour (that might not make sense to you, but it does in my head!) and everything feels very forced.

A good cast can sometimes redeem those moments that don't land on the page but the majority of the characters are just forgettable. No one is particularly likeable and that was a real drawback when you add it onto all the other drawbacks.

Love Wedding Repeat feels terribly balanced, had any of the elements been even slightly better it could have made this more watchable, but alas, they weren't, so it wasn't. Simple as.

What you should do

If you want a romcom with alternate storylines then go and watch Groundhog Day or Happy Death Day, Love Wedding Repeat doesn't offer anything that you can't get from watching any other romance film.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

Some of that tranquiliser, but only if I can get it just before I started watching this film.
Love Wedding Repeat ★☆☆☆☆ | Movie Review Love Wedding Repeat ★☆☆☆☆ | Movie Review Reviewed by E Y on August 16, 2020 Rating: 5

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