Cineworld 30 Day Film Challenge

Lots of films challenges have been floating around over the last couple of months but I haven't participated in them, when Cineworld put one up though I can't be disloyal and ignore it. I am however likely to forget to post, and some of my answers are non-answers so I figured that the easiest way to do it was as a blog post. So, below is my 30 Day Film Challenge selection! Enjoy, and feel free to judge me, I have been.

If you're joining in on Twitter with a thread of your own films then drop a link to the first tweet below in the comments so we can follow along.

The first film you saw at the cinema

I envy people who have a good memory for these things. I think it was a rerelease of Bambi and I think that my nan fell asleep during it.

A film you watched over and over again as a child

I was a weird kid, I really enjoyed Abbott & Costello and Carry On films so it would probably be one of those... very specifically, Meet The Mummy and Cabby.

A film that made you laugh out loud

Hot Fuzz always entertains me and I've watched it so many times now that I can do the script along with it.

A film that starts with “The”

The Meg - I had to get a shark film in!

A film that you think is underrated

Nothing is ever really underrated, it just doesn't appeal to everyone.

A film you put on when you feel sad

Those moments where I just need something to put on I always go to The Meg or The Angry Birds Movie... I honestly don't know why that second one is in there.

A film that you would love to see on a big screen

Classic Toho Godzilla movies.

Your favourite film that is set in space

The one I've watched the most over the years is Apollo 13.

A film with a soundtrack you love

Recently it would be Birds Of Prey, I collected all the songs together (not just the official soundtrack) into a playlist that I've been wearing out for months. In the good ol' days it's the Batman Forever soundtrack that I played on repeat.

A film that is also a book you love

I always loved the film The Princess Bride and when I discovered it was a book, well, I loved that too.

A film that made you want to cheer at the cinema

Oh please, I'm not that sort of cinema-goer.

A film that left you confused

The Queen's Corgi, mainly because I don't know how that film even got made.

A film that made you want to travel

There are a lot of places that I've wanted to visit after seeing it in a film but the one that springs to mind is Lara Croft: Tomb Raider after the temple scenes.

Your favourite film from your least favourite genre

What on earth is my least favourite genre?! The Hateful Eight, if we count it as a western?

A film that broke your heart

Klaus, that film gets me in a wonderful heartbreaking kind of way.

A film with a number in the title

27 Dresses. I love this film, it speaks to the hoarder mentality in me.

Your favourite animated film

Teen Titans Go! To The Movies all because of the awesome tunes. Get me to a club with that Superman/Krypton anthem.

A film you couldn’t stop thinking about

I was devastated watching Coco at the cinema, I drove home devastated and I stayed devastated.

A film set in the future

There are two for different reasons. Firstly, Demolition Man, this is one that I've have watched over and over again and will always have a place in my heart, and secondly, Dredd, which I remember seeing in 3D and it restoring my faith in that format.

A film that scared you

This is a lame answer but it's going to be Annabelle Comes Home, purely because if I watch horrors at home then they don't really scare me, but I saw this in the cinema and it really got to me.

A film that made you want to fall in love

Talk about high bloody expectations! In fantasy land I would love one of those comedy type romances like 27 Dresses or Sydney White.

Your favourite film set in a fantasy world

Jumanji: Welcome To The Jungle. I really do enjoy this one, the adult cast acting like the teens cracks me up every time.

A film that means a lot to you personally

This is more for a personal family moment, watching Small Soldiers is a long running joke in our family.

A film made by your favourite director

I'm genuinely not a director person, sorry.

A film that inspired you

Last Holiday with Queen Latifah, she's a chef in it and it always makes me want to make different recipes.

A film that made you feel happy

Sgt Stubby... in a devastating kind of way.

Your favourite superhero film

Thor: Ragnarok, I'm not a massive fan of the other Thor films but this one really turned the tides.

A film that changed your life

I can't say that there's a film that has had that much of an impact on me in that way, but there are some that have made me take a step back and feel some faith in humanity restored. I will always remember going to see Hidden Figures and being joined by a woman and her daughter, she was using it as a chance to teach her about women in history and I absolutely loved that.

A film you didn’t want to end

I haven't ever wished this for a film, if I was able to stay in that feeling for an ever I think I'd stop functioning.

A film with a beautiful ending

Again, another one where I'm having trouble coming up with an answer, there are too many that have lovely endings and my brain has gone "nope" and forgotten all of them.
Cineworld 30 Day Film Challenge Cineworld 30 Day Film Challenge Reviewed by E Y on June 04, 2020 Rating: 5

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