The Emmie Awards 2020 E Y December 29, 2020What a year this has been. It's certainly been a rollercoaster for cinema-goers (we'll not even talk about the reason why). In the l...Read More
The Emmie Awards - The Snap Of 2019 E Y December 31, 2019As part of my annual awards I have decided to add a category. Just like the MCU murdered half the universe, so will I... but only in blog po...Read More
The Emmie Awards 2019 E Y December 31, 2019It's that time of year again, after an excessive amount of time spent watching films it's the 3rd annual occurrence of The Emmie Awa...Read More
The Emmie Awards - Best Surprises of 2019 E Y December 31, 2019The biggest surprise for me this year was a set of films that led to a massive change of opinion. Actors I'd never really liked before w...Read More